Monthly Power Usage 2,376kWh
The 17KW systems in this category are for applications with monthly power usage of approximately 2,376kWh or less.
Determining the size of solar system you require is a fairly straight forward process. If you are not currently grid-tied then you'll need to add up the load of all the devices you want to power and the amount of daily runtime each load and multiply them. This will be used to determine watt hours of each load. Then add the watt hours of your loads to determine approximate total system needs. It's recommended to add an additional 20%-25% of headroom for other loads that may be occasionally used.
If your home, garage, business is currently grid-tied, you can simply determine your average monthly usage by looking at your power bill. All power suppliers will indicate the total kilowatt hours (kWH) you're being billed for in a given month. Many, also provide information on historical monthly usage. (See highlighted figures in examples below)
Example 1 Current monthly usage: 1,651kWh. Same month previous year 1,328kWh
Example 2 Current monthly usage: 108kWh, Same month previous year 234kWh
This can be a very accurate method for determining the approximate size system needed. It's always a good idea to up size your system by approximately 20%-25% for other loads that may be occasionally used.
For additional questions about purchasing the right kit for your needs contact our knowledgable staff. Whatever your need OMOSolar.com has your whole home solar covered!